The importance of stress management to create / maintain a phenomenal lifestyle

One of the major contributors to poor health outcomes is poor stress management. Living under continuous stress in either work, home, or both wear down the immune system and the body's ability to heal independently. Lack of sleep, poor eating habits, a meaningful stress reduction plan, and generally taking time to relax are items within our control to combat stress.

Prioritizing life matters in ways that minimize stress is a big key to having a lifestyle-focused life.   Stress on health can contribute to symptoms, including headaches, stomach problems, elevated blood pressure, chest pain, and sleeping problems. Additionally, poorly managed stress can make existing health issues worse. Resulting in an existing health issue becoming worse, which is not good over the long term.

Stress affects hormonal activity and increases the body's production of cortisol. Cortisol is a hormone that manages our appetite. As cortisol levels remain elevated over a prolonged period, it wreaks havoc on the body; For example, hypertension, high blood pressure, reduced libido, and insulin resistance, to name a few of the health byproducts.

Additionally, a prolonged high level of cortisol production by the body affects weight gain, energy levels, and memory / mental cloudiness.

Simple stress reduction strategies include:

  • Taking 3-10 minutes a day for meditation
  • Laying or sitting in a quiet atmosphere for 15-20 minutes with a power nap
  • Taking at least 15-minute walks
  • Having herbal tea before bed in a quiet space
  • Spending at least half an hour winding down before bed to release stressful thoughts
  • Taking on a relaxing hobby, such as putting together puzzles or learning an instrument, keeps the mind active and body moving without being in a stressful environment.
  • Identify the source(s) of stress and seek help in eliminating or reducing it.
  • Learn to recognize your stressful thinking and adjust your thinking

Additionally, there are food solutions for managing cortisol levels during elevated periods. Eating foods such as:

  • Asparagus
  • Cottage cheese and fruit
  • Almonds and walnuts
  • Tuna
  • Blueberries
  • Green Tea
  • Salmon

Reducing, and if possible, eliminate sugar intake.

Although I don't subscribe to vitamin supplements, there is some evidence suggesting that fish oil prevents the "turning on" of adrenal glands affected by cortisol increases—Ashwagandha, an Asian herbal supplement historically been used to treat stress-related health issues. 

These are just some ideas on how to manage stress better. The key is to see your doctor and create a plan to manage stress in your life better.

Celebrate a healthy lifestyle and do something good for yourself!


1. Appetite-regulating hormones cortisol and peptide YY are associated with disordered eating psychopathology, independent of body mass index" Department of Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02114, USA,

2, "Chronic stress puts your health at risk," Mayo Clinic Staff, April 21, 2016,

3. McCraty R1, Barrios-Choplin B, Rozman D, Atkinson M, Watkins AD. "The impact of a new emotional self-management program on stress, emotions, heart rate variability, DHEA and cortisol",, April - June 1998 

4.  Delarue J1, Matzinger O, Binnert C, Schneiter P, Chioléro R, Tappy L,."Fish oil prevents the adrenal activation elicited by mental stress in healthy men. ,, June 2003

5. Auddy, B, Hazra, J, Mirta, A, Abedon, B, Ghosal, S., " A standardized Withania Somnifera Extract Significantly Reduces Stress-Related Parameters in Chronically Stressed Humans: A Double Blind, Randomized , Placebo-Controlled Study", JANA Vol 11 No. 1 2008