Where do I start?

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If you’re like most people in any challenging endeavor, you’re likely thinking about where to begin.

The answer is easy: right where you are.

If you did not behave as responsibly as you should have in the past, say a prayer, forgive yourself, and move on with your life. Just as you cannot change what you had for breakfast this morning, you cannot change your past mistakes. We can only do better than we were yesterday.

Take action where other people won't.

Don't sit on the couch, hoping that something great will happen in your life. Trying to lose some weight and get healthy, not going to happen sitting on the couch... You, yes you, have to do the work!

Great things generally don’t just happen. You make them happen.

You ARE just like all of the great people you see on television (while you are sitting on the couch) and read about, except they took action.

Take action. Don’t worry about what might happen; take the first step and act!

Reminder: You have to surround yourself with positive people, listen to motivational speeches, read self-help books, and work at becoming a better person every single day of your life.