2022 & Fear

One of the hardest things to do in life is starting over. Starting over in a relationship, work, money, relocation, health, etc., is no easy task because there is a fear of the unknown. Some people can deal with change quickly; however, many people are not as quick to turn the page.

Starting over in almost anything requires change, and most people don't like change. However, in many cases, change ushers in new opportunities, and in many cases, the faster change is embraced, the quicker new options become available for decision making.

The key to starting over is leaving the past in the past and dealing with the "now.". What are you going to do right now?

Pausing for a moment in time will allow you to acknowledge that change has occurred. Reflecting on the change may allow you to analyze what changed and its impact on you. Reflection provides an opportunity to look at the implications of change from various viewpoints.

Strategies on addressing the past can consist of

  • Identifying and naming failures
  • Understanding what frustrated you in failing
  • Own your role in the failure
  • Act without failure in mind as you move forward.

It's wise to write out the positives and negatives of the change and how each item impacts you. This approach is an opportunity to learn and understand more about the difference and evaluate options for managing the transition.

Planning will aid in thinking through what the next steps entail.

Beginning again allows you to burn the negative items of the change and push forward with a positive plan. Focus on getting to a place mentally where having a positive attitude is the only option in starting over and watching your chances of success increase.

The key to starting over is your response to failure. Some ways to attack fear of failure:

  • Start with now, not with yesterday
  • Leave the past in its place, the past
  • Define what success looks like to you
  • Focus on defining what your next steps are and take action and write it down
  • Ask for help when you need it.

There are many reasons anyone can think of why they shouldn't do anything. I say forget the fear of failure and do whatever "It" is desired! Failure is just the dress rehearsal for success.

Don't fall for the opinions of others. Don't conform to someone else's goals…live your own goals. Live YOUR life and do what makes YOU happy!

Make it a great 2022! Happy New Year!

Now, Let's go!