
Champions keep going when there is nothing left in them to go any further. There is no more gas in them, but they keep pushing forward! They produce 100% results from 110% of their effort. Champions don’t give reasons why they didn’t complete the goal; they show the results! Champions show results, period.

Do you know where you want to go and how to get there? Are you focused on your results or the reasons you are not attaining your results? Chimps provide excuses with regards to why they are not achieving results.  So, are you a chimp or a champion?

Do you have reasons or results in your life? If you reviewed yesterday’s “to do” list and focused for a moment on the activities you planned to complete versus what you achieved, did you complete 100% of your list? If not, what percent did you complete?

The percent you calculated using your to-do list is representative of your completion rate for the day. Ideally, you want a 100% completion rate, which says, “Everything you planned to do today, you did.”

Do you have a daily “to-do” list that provides value in pushing you toward your end goals? Is your daily “to-do” list completion rate hitting 100%, 100% of the time? Is your “to-do” list working for you?

The effectiveness and efficiency of your efforts toward your goals are a direct result of your success. If you measure and manage yourself against your daily goals and diligently track progress, you will have a track record of results.

This week’s goal is to focus on getting to most out of your daily “to-do” list by prioritizing and getting 100% of your list done 100% of the time.

Points to consider:

  • Your daily “to-do” list should be no more than ten items.
  • It would help if you were highly selective about what you add to your to-do list.
  • You should break large items into smaller tasks.
  • You should prioritize each item against “Urgent” and “Important.”
  • It would help if you assigned time estimates for completing each item.
  • Develop a system or process for managing your time and “to do” list
  • Celebrate the completion of your tasks!


First and foremost, understand what you need to get accomplished for the week as a starting point.

  • Write down the most critical task for the day that contributes to accomplishing your weekly goals; this is your focus for the day.
  • Write down three additional tasks you want to complete for the day.
  • Write down five additional tasks that you would like to get completed for the day but can wait for tomorrow to complete
  • Be specific in what you are working on completing weekly and daily.
  • Make each task time-bound
  • Forget procrastinating; DO IT!

Nothing is beyond your reach, so focus on results!

Be a Champion!